From the edge of the world

Verið velkomin á opnun sýningarinnar “FROM THE EDGE OF THE WORLD” samsýningar 12 myndlistarmanna frá Íslandi og Los Angeles sem vinna með málverkið á fleti.

You are cordially invited to the opening of “From the edge of the world” a group exhibition of paintings by contemporary artists from Iceland and Los Angeles.

Opnun / Opening:
Laugardaginn 2. febrúar frá kl. 17:00 til 19:00.
Saturday Feb 2, 5-7 PM

Sýningin stendur opin til 16. febrúar og verða opnunartímar auglýstir frekar síðar / The exhibition will stay up until the 16th of February, open by appointment and at hours to be later announced.

Þátttakendur eru / List of the artists participating:

Alison Woods
Carlos Beltran Arechiga
David Leapman
David Spanbock
Davíð Örn Halldórsson
Freyja Eilíf
Gul Cagin
Jenny Hager
Karen Björg Jóhannsdóttir
Kristinn Már Pálmason
Kristín Morthens
Max Presneill

Sýningarstjórn / Curator:
Freyja Eilíf 

Höfuðmynd viðburðar er málverk eftir Carlos Beltran Arechiga / The header image of the event page is from a painting by Carlos Beltran Arechiga.


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